
Images from the 2023-2024 Graduation Ceremony

We enthusiastically celebrated the 2023-2024 academic year graduation ceremony. The event provided a great opportunity to honor the achievements and determination of our students. During the ceremony, our department head and faculty members wished the graduating students success and conveyed their best wishes for the future. The students' families proudly attended this important day.

We would like to extend our special thanks to Samsun BMO, particularly our esteemed colleague Alihan Bektaş, and our administrative staff Ethem Kurt, İsmail Taşkın, Ali Şahin, Aynur Keçeci, Gülten Yıldırım, and Yakup Şahin for their significant contributions in organizing this event.

Computer Engineering 2024 Graduation Ceremony

Click here for pictures from our department's graduation ceremony.


KTÜ Engineering Faculty 57th Graduation Ceremony

29 June 2024