
The book with the editorship of our department member Assoc. Prof. Özgür Tüfekçi has been published.

The book titled “Karadeniz: 2020 Gelişmeleri Işığında Bölgesel Değerlendirmeler (in Turkish)” and edited by Assoc. Prof. Özgür Tüfekçi, was published within the center of KTÜ-SAM. In the book, academicians and experts from our department have contributed with different chapters and the study consists of twenty-one articles on the developments about the Black Sea Basin in 2020. In the first part of the study, ten of the countries in the basin are evaulated. In the second part, the approaches of international actors to the basin are discussed. In the third part, the Black Sea basin is examined from different perspectives with relatively more independent articles and it is tried to offer the reader an area where they can combine the articles in the first two chapters analytically.

Thanks to all experts for their contribution…


To access the whole study and details:


16 August 2021