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T. Özdemir, B. Koz ve N. Batan “Grimmia ramondii (Grimmiaceae,Bryopsida) for the second time recorded in Turkey and Southwestern Asia”, İnternanional Journal of Botany,4(3), 347-348, (2008).
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N. Batan, T. Özdemir ve D. Mendil “Determination of Heavy Metal Concentration of Mosses in Değirmendere Valley of Trabzon Province of Turkey”, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 24(1), 193-196, (2011).
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N. Batan ve T. Özdemir “Bryoerythrophyllum rubrum (Pottiaceae) – a new moss in the Turkish bryophyte flora”, Phytologia Balcanica, 18(2), 117-120, (2012).
N. Batan ve T. Özdemir “New records for the moss flora of Turkey and Southwest Asia”, Nova Hedwigia, 97(3–4), 437–440, (2013).
N. Batan, M. Alataş ve T. Özdemir “Leptoscyphus cuneifolius (Lophocoleaceae, Marchantiophyta) new to Southwest Asia”, Cryptogamie Bryologie, 34(3), 373-377, (2013).
N. Batan, M. Alataş ve T. Özdemir “Schistidium sordidum New to Turkey and Southwest Asia”, Archives of Biological Sciences, 65(4), 1505-1509, (2013).
T. Özdemir, N. Batan, D. Mendil, G. Apaydın ve E. Cengiz “Some element levels in moss samples collected from the Iğdir-Nahhicevan International Highway, Turkey”, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 25(12), 6741 – 6744, (2013).
T.B. Cansu, B. Yaylı, T. Özdemir, N. Batan, Ş. Alpay-Karaoğlu ve N. Yaylı “Antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of the essential oils of mosses (Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Schimp. and Leucodon sciuroides (Hedw.) Schwägr.) growing in Turkey”, Turkish journal of Chemistry, 37(2), 213-219, (2013).
N. Batan ve T. Özdemir “Contributions to the moss flora of the caucasian part (Artvin province) of Turkey”, Turkish journal of Botany, 37, 375-388, (2013).
N. Batan, T. Özdemir ve M. Alataş “Bryophyte flora of Iğdır province (Turkey)”, Phytologia Balcanica, 19(2), 179 – 191, (2013).
N. Batan ve T. Özdemir “Contribution to the Moss Flora of Eastern Black Sea Region (Artvin) in Turkey and new record to the Southwest Asia”, Arctoa, 22, 101-106, (2013).
N. Batan ve T. Özdemir “Notes on Campyliadelphus elodes (Lindb.) Kanda (Amblystegiaceae) in Turkey”, Biological Diversity and Conservation, 6(2), 118-122, (2013).
N. Batan ve T. Özdemir “Bryoflora of Dernekpazarı District of Trabzon Province”, Biological Diversity and Conservation, 6(2), 45-49, (2013).
N. Batan ve T. Özdemir “Pylaisia subcircinata Cardot new record the moss flora of Turkey and Southwest Asia”, In L.T. Ellis (ed.), New national and regional bryophyte records 40, Journal of Bryology, 36(3), 235, (2014).
N. Batan ve T. Özdemir “Schistidium boreale Poelt new to the moss flora of Turkey and Southwest Asia”, In L.T. Ellis (ed.), New national and regional bryophyte records 39, Journal of Bryology 36(2), 144-145, (2014).
M. Alataş ve N. Batan “Epiphytic bryophytes and vegetation of the Platanus orientalis trees in Zonguldak”, Ekoloji, 23(91), 52-63, (2014).
G. Tosun, B. Yaylı, T. Özdemir, N. Batan, N. Yaylı ve Ş. Alpay-Karaoğlu “Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oils from Tortella inclinata var. densa, T. tortusa and Pleurochaete squarrosa”, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 26(7), 2001-2004, (2014).
T.B. Cansu, T. Özdemir, N. Batan, B. Yaylı, Ş. Alpay-Karaoğlu ve N. Yaylı “Essential Oil Analysis and Antimicrobial Activity of Neckera complanata (Hedw.) Huebener and Neckera crispa Hedw. (Neckeraceae) Grown in Turkey”, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 26 (7), 2005-2008, (2014).
M. Alataş ve N. Batan "Epiphytic Bryophytes and Vegetation Of The East Spruce In The Örümcek Forest", Ekoloji, vol.24, pp.33-42, (2015).
T. Özdemir ve N. Batan “New and noteworthy moss records for Turkey and Southwest Asia”, Telopea 17: 35-42 (2014).
N. Batan, O. Özcan ve T. Özdemir “New Bryophyte Records from Turkey and Southwest Asia”, Telopea, 17: 337-346 (2014).
M. Alataş, N. Batan ve Y. Hazer “The moss flora of Elazığ-Sivrice (Turkey) province”, Biological Diversity and Conservation, 7(2), 148-153, (2014).
Batan N., Özdemir T., Alataş M., "Additional Bryophyte Records From Gümüşhane Province In Turkey", Botanica Serbica, 39: 63-70, (2015).
M. Alataş, N. Batan "The moss flora of Keban (Elazığ/Turkey) district", Biological Diversity and Conservation, 8(2): 59-65, (2015).
M. Alataş, R. Kara, T. Ezer, G. Uyar ve N. Batan "The Epiphytic Bryophyte Flora And Vegetation Of Zonguldak-Göbü Village (Northwest Turkey)", Pakistan Journal Of Botany, 47(4):1439-1449, (2015).
G. Tosun, B. Yayli, T. Özdemir ve N. Batan, A. Bozdeveci ve N. Yayli "Volatiles And Antimicrobial Activity Of The Essential Oils Of The Mosses Pseudoscleropodium purum, Eurhynchium striatum, And Eurhynchium angustirete Grown In Turkey", Records Of Natural Products, vol.9, pp.237-242, (2015).
N. Batan, T. Özdemir, M. Alataş ve H. Erata “Sematophyllum micans (Mitt.) Braithw. new record the moss flora of Turkey and Southwest Asia”, In L.T. Ellis (ed.), New national and regional bryophyte records 47, Journal of Bryology, 38(2): 160-161, (2016).
T. Özdemir ve N. Batan, “Frullania teneriffae (F.Weber) Nees new record the moss flora of Turkey and Southwest Asia”, In L.T. Ellis (ed.), New national and regional bryophyte records 47, Journal of Bryology, 38(2): 157, (2016).
T. Özdemir ve N. Batan, “Leucodon pendulus Lindb. new record the moss flora of Turkey and Southwest Asia”, In L.T. Ellis (ed.), New national and regional bryophyte records 47, Journal of Bryology, 38(2): 159, (2016).
N. Batan, Y. Jia, T. Özdemir ve M. Alataş Brotherella and Encalypta species new to Turkey, Mediterranean and Southwest Asia, Plant Biosystems, 150(3): 436-441, 2016.
M. Alataş, R. Kara, T. Ezer, N. Batan ve T. Özdemir “Contribution to the epiphytic flora and vegetation of the Lakes District in the Burdur region (Turkey)”, Turkish Journal of Botany 40 (3): 329-342, 2016.
N. Batan ve T. Özdemir “The Bryophyte Flora of Burdur Province (Turkey)”, Arctoa, 25(1): 160-170, (2016).
T. Özdemir ve N. Batan “The Bryophyte Flora of Ordu Province (Turkey)”, Arctoa, 25(1): 144-159, (2016).
G. Abay, N. Batan ve T. Özdemir "Bryophyte checklist of Rize, North-East Turkey", Arctoa, 25(2): 386-392, (2016).
N. Batan ve T. Özdemir “Herzoiella turfacea (Lindb.) Z. Iwats. (Plagiotheciaceae, Bryophyta) new to Turkey”, Arctoa, 25(1): 141-143, (2016).
M. Alataş ve N. Batan “The moss flora of Arapgir (Malatya/Turkey) district”, Biological Diversity and Conservation, 9(2): 102-107, (2016).
N. Batan, Ö. Özen, M. Alataş ve T. Özdemir “Hygrohypnum ochraceum (Bryophyta), new to Turkey and Southwest Asia”, Phytologia Balcanica, 22(3): 323 – 325, (2016)
M. Alataş ve N. Batan “The bryophyte flora of Baskil district (Elazığ/Turkey)”, Biological Diversity and Conservation, 10(1): 31-38, (2017).
T. Özdemir ve N. Batan “The bryophyte checklist of Trabzon Province of Turkey”, Arctoa, 26 (1): 58-67, (2017).
M. Alataş, N. Batan, T. Ezer ve G. Uyar “The epiphytic bryophyte flora and vegetation of Boraboy and Destek forests in Amasya province (Turkey)”, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 49 (5): 1779-1786, (2017).
N. Batan, H. Erata, Ö. Özen, T. Özdemir ve M. Alataş “The Bryophyte Flora of Ardahan Province”, Arctoa, 26 (2): 187-197, (2017).
N. Batan, V. Atamov, S. Ekşi ve H. Erata, “Contrubition to the bryophyte flora of the İkizdere district (Rize, Turkey)”, Phytologia Balcanica, 24(1):9–15. (2018).
N. Batan, M. Alataş, H. Erata ve T. Özdemir “Two remarkable moss species new to Turkey and South-west Asia”, Plant Biosystems, 153(2): 195-198, (2019).
M. Alataş, N. Batan ve T. Ezer “The Epiphytic Bryophyte Communities of Kamilet Valley (Artvin/Turkey)”, Turkish Journal of Botany, 43(4): 551-569, (2019).
M. Alataş, N. Batan, T. Ezer ve H. Erata “A new bryophyte sub-association and new record for Turkish bryophyte vegetation”, Biological Diversity and Conservation, 12 (1): 181-188, (2019).
M. Alataş, N. Batan ve H. Erata “The Moss Flora of Pertek (Tunceli/Turkey) District”, Biological Diversity and Conservation, 12 (2): 23-30, (2019).
H. Erata ve N. Batan “New and remarkable bryophyte records from Turkey and South-West Asia”, Plant Biosystems, 154(3): 376-383, (2020).
H. Erata ve N. Batan, M. Alataş ve Ö, Özen “Bryophytes records from Maçka District (Trabzon Province-Turkey)”, Lindbergia, doi: 10.25227/linbg.01127, (2020).
H. Erata ve N. Batan, Ö, Özen ve M. Alataş “Contributions to the bryophyte flora of Şalpazarı and Tonya districts (Trabzon, Turkey)”, Phytologia Balcanica, 26(1):21–29. (2020).
N. Batan ve T. Özdemir “Mersin (C12), Trabzon and Gümüşhane (A4) den bazı karayosunu (musci) kayıtları”, SDÜ Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 12, 104-109, (2011).
M. Alataş, N. Batan ve T. Özdemir "Türkiye’deki Barbilophozia lycopodioides (Wallr.) Loeske., (Scapaniaceae, Hepaticae) üzerine notlar", Anatolian Bryology, 1(1): 61-66, (2015).
M. Alataş, T. Ezer, R. Kara ve N. Batan "Beldibi ve Babadağ Ormanlarının Epifitik Briyofitleri (Zonguldak, Türkiye)", Anatolian Bryology, 1(1):10-17, (2015).
M. Alataş, N. Batan “Yeşilyurt ve Battalgazi (Malatya) ilçelerinin karayosunu florası”, Anatolian Bryology, 2(1):47-55, 2016.
E. Çöteli, M. Alataş, N. Batan “Syntrichia ruralis ve Syntrichia montana (Pottiaceae) Taksonlarının Glutatyon İçeriklerinin Karşılaştırılması”, Anataolian Bryology, 3(1): 25-30 (2017).
T. Özdemir, N. Batan “Bryophyte Checklist of Giresun, North East Turkey”, Anatolian Bryology, 3(1): 1-8 (2017).
H. Erata, Ö. Özen, N. Batan, T. Özdemir “Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Kanuni Kampüsü Briyofit Florası”, Anatolian Bryology, 3(1): 9-18, (2017).
H. Erata, N. Batan, T. Özdemir “The Bryophyte Flora of Sis Mountain (Giresun-Trabzon, Turkey)”, Anatolian Bryology, 4(1): 46-64, (2018).
M. Alataş, N. Batan, T. Ezer “The Life Forms, Life Strategies and Ecological Characteristics of Epiphytic Bryophytes in Kamilet Valley (Artvin-Arhavi) and Surroundings”, Anatolian Bryology, 4(1): 8-16, (2018).
E. Çöteli, M. Alataş, N. Batan ve Y. Hazer “Comparing of Glutathione Ingredients of Some Species in Bryaceae Family”, Anatolian Bryology, 5(1): 15-21, (2019).
M. Alataş, N. Batan, T. Ezer ve H. Erata “A Note on Pylaisietum polyanthae Felf. 1941 in Turkey”, Anatolian Bryology, 5(1): 8-14, (2019).
T. Ezer, M. Alataş ve N. Batan “Successional Trends of Some Epiphytic Bryophytes in Mediterranean Basin”, Acta Biologica Turcica, 32(4): 181-193, (2019).
M. Alataş, T. Ezer ve N. Batan “Epiphytic Bryophyte Vegetation of Beldibi and Babadağ forests (Zonguldak, Turkey)’’ Eurasian Journal of Forest Science, 7(3): 205-219, (2019).
N. Akçay, H. Baltaş, N. Batan, G. Uyar, S. Yangın, M. Karayılan ve K. Ferah “Determination of Seasonal Variation of Air Pollution in Rize Province by Using a Type of Biomonitor Moss Hypnum”, Teknik Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(3): 1-8, 2019.
M. Alataş, T. Ezer, N. Batan ve H. Erata “Türkiye’deki Orthotricho Straminei-Pterigynandretum filiformis Birliğinin Bölgelere Göre Floristik ve Ekolojik Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması”, Doğanın Sesi, 4: 10-18, 2019.
Ö. Özen, H. Erata, N. Batan ve M. Alataş “Contributions to The Bryophyte Flora of Hayrat District (Trabzon - Turkey)”, Anatolian Bryology 5(2): 107–113, 2019.
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