
KTU Hosted the 2nd International Apitherapy and Nature Congress

Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) hosted the 2nd International Apitherapy and Nature Congress in 2024. The congress was a continuation of the previous congress held in Nakhchivan in 2023. Organized by the KTU Apitherapy and Nature Research Group, this year's congress was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

The congress opening ceremony, held at the KTU Prof. Dr. Osman Turan Culture and Congress Center, was attended by Trabzon Governor Aziz YILDIRIM, Trabzon Health Director Hakan USTA, KTU Rector Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI, Nakhchivan State University Rector Prof. Dr. Elburs İSAYEV and Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Elsever ASADOV, along with many other dignitaries. Representatives from the beekeeping sector, civil society organizations, academics, researchers, and beekeepers also participated in the event.

The International Congress, organized by the KTU Apitherapy and Nature Research Group, was co-chaired by Prof. Dr. Sevgi KOLAYLI from the Faculty of Science, Prof. Dr. Oktay YILDIZ from the Faculty of Pharmacy of KTU, and Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Elsever ASADOV from Nakhchivan State University. Speaking at the opening ceremony, Prof. Dr. Sevgi KOLAYLI, one of the Congress Co-Chairs, explained the purpose of the congress as providing a scientific platform for the discussion of bee products used in apitherapy and making joint decisions. Prof. Dr. KOLAYLI also emphasized the importance of this congress in promoting the international recognition and value of our country's products. Addressing the participants in his opening speech, KTU Rector Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI stated, "As two countries, one nation, we are enhancing our relations day by day," highlighting the importance of collaboration between academia and field practitioners in using bee products for treatment. Additionally, Trabzon Governor Aziz YILDIRIM, in his speech at the congress, drew attention to the potential of beekeeping in Trabzon and underscored the importance of universities' scientific contributions. He emphasized that KTU's academic support would contribute to the city's development. Governor YILDIRIM thanked the Apitherapy and Nature group, formed by a group of researchers in the fields of engineering, health sciences, and natural sciences, and concluded his remarks. Following the opening and protocol speeches, participants visited the promotional booths showcasing products from producers and industry representatives.

Over the course of three days, the Congress saw the participation of expert scientists from thirteen different countries and leading universities in Türkiye in fields such as natural sciences, basic sciences, health sciences, apitherapy, beekeeping, alternative, and complementary medicine. In addition to face-to-face presentations, online sessions were also conducted for participants from outside Türkiye during the Congress. At the conclusion of the 2nd Apitherapy and Nature Congress, participation certificates were awarded to all attendees.

The papers presented at the Congress will be available in the e-conference book on the congress website (, and the full-text papers submitted will be published in the Journal of Apitherapy and Nature after peer review.

17 May 2024