Within the Department of Software Engineering, students are expected to have the following learning outcomes:
LO-1: Sufficient theoretical and applied knowledge in the fields of calculation, mathematics, natural sciences, computer sciences, and software engineering.
LO-2: Knowledge about software lifecycle, software specification and process models, software project management, and quality standards.
LO-3: Ability to use modern techniques and engineering tools for software engineering applications; ability to design, develop, and evaluate a software system, component, process, or program to meet specified requirements.
LO-4: Ability to collect, analyze, and interpret data to understand software needs.
LO-5: Ability to demonstrate necessary organizational and job skills to work effectively in interdisciplinary and intra-disciplinary teams or individually.
LO-6: Skills in project and risk management; awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainable development; knowledge of international standards and methodologies.
LO-7: Awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning, ability to access up-to-date information, and to continuously renew oneself by following the latest developments in science and technology.
LO-8: Integrates theoretical and applied knowledge in mathematics, natural sciences, and software engineering for engineering solutions.
LO-9: Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing in Turkish; proficiency in at least one foreign language; ability to write effective reports and understand written reports, prepare and produce design and production reports, make effective presentations, give and receive clear instructions; ability to use current technological communication resources.
LO-10: Awareness and responsibility consciousness regarding professional, legal, ethical, and social issues in the field of software engineering.
LO-11: Knowledge of the universal and societal impacts of engineering practices on health and safety, and the problems reflected in the engineering field of the era; awareness of the legal consequences of engineering solutions.