Encourage Children to Produce with Coding and Robotics
Imagine - Design - Code
"Catch the Future"
One of the most effective ways of acquiring 21st-century skills for individuals is computer science education. As the architects of the future, our children need opportunities to be successful and cope with the problems they may encounter in their personal, social and professional lives. The Distance Education Application and Research Center carries out training with the competent instructors of our university to provide this opportunity to pupils and support their development in the field of computer science.
Robotic Programming Training of Trainers
Eligibility Criteria
Bank: T.C. ZIRAAT BANKASI, Üniversite Şubesi
Account name: KTÜ Döner Sermaye Saymanlığı
Account No: 11825144-5010
IBAN: TR83 0001 0012 2511 8251 4450 10 - Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi
('UZEMEĞİTİCİEĞİTİMİ' must be added to the “explanation” for the payment.)
Click to download Training Program, Course Content and Weekly Schedule
Coding and Robotics Trainings age groups: 8-10, 11-14, 15-18
Karadeniz Technical University Distance Education Application Education and Research Center provides awareness training to various institutions. Coding and Robotics Training are organized to raise awareness for the institutions that are willing to receive training. In this sense, training is offered to primary, secondary and high school students in educational institutions who apply in groups, and to personnel in education services.
To participate in awareness training, the pre-registration form is supposed to be filled out by the relevant institution and sent to Karadeniz Technical University Distance Education Application and Research Center. After the application is evaluated, the contact person specified in the form will be contacted.
Awareness training is provided free of charge and are carried out to provide equal opportunities in education to individuals who cannot access Coding and Robotics Training.
Project in Coding and Robotics Training
Introduction Module
Age group: 8-10 and 11-14 years.
Duration: 24 hours.
Participants are supposed to complete the Introduction Module first to continue the following modules.
Participants are given a certificate at the end of the training.
Introduction Module Training
In this module, children will learn to develop strategies for the solution of different problems, create problem solution steps and algorithms for the solution paths determined, and to write basic code. With the course activities provided in the introductory module, students will both develop solution steps for the solution of the problems they encounter in their daily lives and develop strategies for solving mathematical and logical problems. By integrating the problem-solving steps with the logic of writing algorithms, they will be able to write basic codes on the computer in accordance with the algorithm they have written and will be ready for training in other modules, particularly visual programming and robotics. Activities will be carried out with materials developed in accordance with the educational content and age group.
Training Content
Robotics Programming Module
Age group: 8-10 and 11-14 years.
Duration: 24 hours.
Participants are supposed to complete the Introduction Module to take this module.
Participants are given a certificate at the end of the training.
Robotics Programming Training
In this module, children will recognize electrical terms and elements and learn to control the hardware by block-based coding. The information learned through the course activities will not remain on paper and will be applied one-to-one by the students and transformed into a product. By exploring the capabilities of the Arduino development kit, students will learn how to make mobile vehicles with the support of various sensors and to control these vehicles autonomously or manually. Activities will be carried out with materials developed in accordance with the educational content and age group.
Training Content
Web Design Module
Age group: 11-14 years.
Duration: 24 hours.
Participants are supposed to complete the Introduction Module to take this module.
Participants are given a certificate at the end of the training.
Web Design Training
In this module, children will have information about the functioning of web pages, learn the components required for publishing a web page and will be able to design a web using basic HTML-CSS codes. During the training process, students will learn the tag structure of the HTML language, the tags that can be used in HTML, some features of the tags, adding styles with CSS, the table structure and filling the contents of this page by designing a web page using a table. Activities will be carried out with materials developed in accordance with the educational content and age group.
Training Content
Mobile Programming Module
Age group: 8-10 and 11-14 years.
Duration: 24 hours.
Participants are supposed to complete the Introduction Module to take this module.
Participants are given a certificate at the end of the training.
In this module, children will learn to code mobile programs with easy access and appropriate interface designs to be used on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Also, students will be able to develop mobile software with the App Inventor software developed by MIT, which enables Android programming. With App Inventor, a block-based and mobile application programming tool, students will be able to make games and applications by combining code blocks. Activities will be carried out with materials developed in accordance with the educational content and age group.
Program Content
Visual Programming Module
Age group: 8-10 and 11-14 years.
Duration: 24 hours.
Participants are supposed to complete the Introduction Module to take this module.
Participants are given a certificate at the end of the training.
In this module; children will learn to develop strategies for the solution of different problems, to create problem solution steps, to create algorithms for the solution paths determined and to write basic code. Also, children will learn to code with Scratch software by finding the opportunity to apply algorithm logic, which is a visual programming language. With this module, students can code graphic designs, simulations, animations and games by using media tools such as pictures, sound, music and photography. Students who take visual programming module training will be able to use the code blocks and features in the Scratch software and see the results of the commands they write. Activities will be carried out with materials developed in accordance with the educational content and age group.
Training Content
Project-Based Robotics Training
Age group: 8-10 and 11-14 years.
Duration: 24 hours.
Participants are supposed to complete the Introduction Module and Robotics Programming Module to take this module.
Participants are given a certificate at the end of the training.
In this module, children will carry out project-based robotic studies using the basic knowledge they learned in the robotic programming module. In the project-based robotics training, applications will be made on project development by integrating robot design and robotic coding. Activities will be carried out with materials developed in accordance with the educational content and age group.
Training Content
Graphics and Animation Module
Age group: 11-14 years.
Duration: 24 hours.
Participants are supposed to complete the Introduction Module and Robotics Programming Module to take this module.
Participants are given a certificate at the end of the training.
In this module, children will learn to create different graphic designs by making arrangements such as changing the light and colours of pictures and photographs, and adding effects. The images in the digital environment will be edited with the Adobe Photoshop program, which allows learners to process pictures and photos on a pixel basis. With the Photoshop program, it is possible to assemble different images and change the properties of images such as size, brightness, contrast and perspective. With this module, students will learn to prepare their own posters, banners, logos and special drawings. Activities will be carried out with materials developed in accordance with the educational content and age group.
Training Content
Basic Programming Module
In this module, children will learn the basic subjects of programming as the use of variables, mathematical and logical operators, conditions, loops and functions. They will be able to see the results of the codes they write by writing code in the open-source Phyton programming language. With Phyton which is an object-oriented, interactive and high-level programming language, students will be able to code interactive and object-oriented programs. Activities will be carried out with materials developed in accordance with the educational content and age group.
Training Content
Click for the Pre-registration Form
Training fee for Integrated Training is 1200 TL. each training group is consisted of ten persons and training groups are given particular days and hours. Participants can complete payment in 2 instalments by credit card or EFT/Money Transfer.
Bank: T.C. ZIRAAT BANKASI, Üniversite Şubesi
IBAN: TR83 0001 0012 2511 8251 4450 10
Account No: 11825144-5010
('KTÜUZEMKODLAMA' must be added to the ‘explanation’ for the payment. Those who prefer credit card for payment is supposed to visit Office of Revolving Fund Management)
will be published later...
Application: Karadeniz Technical University, Distance Education Application Research Center, Kanuni Campus, 61080 - Ortahisar / TRABZON
Phone: +90 0462 377 1810
E-mail: uzem@ktu.edu.tr
Website: https://www.ktu.edu.tr/uzem/kodlamaverobotikegitimi