objectives and goals


Objective 1- To educate and graduate students who are open to change and development by improving the quality of education

Goal 1. 1. Improving the quality of curricula.

Goal 1. 2. Improving educational infrastructure.

Goal 1. 3. Increasing the quality of teaching staff.

Goal 1. 4. Increasing the quality of student achievement.


Objective 2- To develop research capacity for innovative production.

Goal 2. 1. Developing industry collaboration through the culture of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Goal 2. 2. Developing human resources in research.

Goal 2. 3. Developing research infrastructure.

Goal 2. 4. Activating Application and Research Centers (UYGARs).


Objective 3- To increase institutional capacity and disseminate corporate culture

Goal 3. 1. Developing institutional satisfaction and the sense of belonging.

Goal 3. 2. Strengthening communication and cooperation with alumni.

Goal 3. 3. Disseminating the quality culture.


Objective 4- To be a solution-oriented university that is sensitive to social problems.

Goal 4. 1. Increasing activities for social problems.

Goal 4. 2. Increasing the dissemination of information to society.


Objective 5- To internationalize

Goal 5. 1. Activating exchange programs.

Goal 5. 2. Developing international cooperation processes.

Goal 5. 3. Increasing the number of programs providing instruction through a foreign language.

Goal 5. 4. Further increasing the international visibility.