
The Technology that Converts Thoughts into Writing.

The Applied Brain-Computer Interface Course, supported by the TÜBİTAK 2237- A Grant Program for Scientific Training, was conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Önder Aydemir from the KTU Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering. The training was held at the Medical Device Design and Production Application and Research Center. Twenty students at the undergraduate, master's, and doctoral levels from various universities in our country were invited to the training. The students received both theoretical and practical education on Brain-Computer Interface technology, commonly referred to as " the power of thought " by the public.

The Brain-Computer Interface is a technology that allows individuals to control electronic devices, such as computers, solely with their thoughts, aiming to bring light into the lives of paralyzed individuals. The training conducted aims to raise awareness among students who are interested in Neuroscience and Brain-Computer Interface technology and who are enrolled in undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs in these fields at universities. Additionally, it seeks to contribute to the technological and scientific development of our country and help these students enhance their knowledge and skills accordingly.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Önder Aydemir and his team continue their scientific research at the Neurophysiology Engineering Laboratory of the Medical Device Design and Production Application and Research Center. The research team has set their next goal to develop a system that allows individuals in two different cities to communicate via computer screens solely through their thoughts.

04 June 2024